Friday Forecast
OUTDOOR SCHOOL: Please ensure you have signed and returned the Outdoor School Field Trip form by Friday March 6th. There are currently a number of unpaid fees for this trip. Please ensure you have paid the $287.50 fee by Friday March 6th. If you need support doing this or financial assistance, please contact the school and we would be happy to help! Here is our Forecast for Next Week: In Mathematics, we continue to work on developing an understanding of the relationship between area, perimeter and volume. We will be looking specifically at volume next week and how this applies to the real world! In Humanities, we will be continuing to work on script writing. We will be viewing a Heritage Minute related to maple syrup in Canada. The teachers have created a script to share with the students to model how the description and dialogue should look. These scripts will be used alongside the puppets we have been creating with Wendy. SYRUP HERITAGE MINUTE: https://www.historicac...