Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away...
A new planning strategy called SSWsBut
"The S is for someone, the other S is for somewhere, Ws is for wanted something, But this happened instead." - Fajer
SSWsBut is "used to create ideas for stories." - Milli
"We learned about the constellations of stars." - Femi
"How stars are made." - Lemar
Our 5/6 students are learning about constellations and creating their own! They will verbally share their myths and legends about their constellations as the Greeks and Indigenous people once did!
Personification Writing!
"Like when you give an object human characteristics." - Anna
Our 5/6 students are trying new ways of making their writing more creative and fun! We tried writing snapshot stories for some cool pictures!
Atlas: "I was an Inuit tree once.
People worshipped me.
Praised me. Now I stand
alone in what was once my friend’s home. Now it’s a desert of despair."
Davyn: "Hi my name is Jumba. I normally sit on the counter. Today, the humans are having a party in the dark so they finally let me shine."
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